
Based on our 15+ years of expertise, we’re working hard to bring you an even better experience — each and every change was created with you, our guests, in mind.

You may have already noticed our first big change: our new logo! This fresh, vibrant, and contemporary look is just the beginning of many exciting changes to come.

Our menu innovation means you can still enjoy the same pitas you’ve come to love, but now with a wider selection of fresh new ingredients and homemade sauces. We’ve improved our iconic classics and added new adventurous options.

Whether you’re looking out for your waistline or your tastebuds, we promise you’ll be more than satisfied when you walk through our doors.

Plus, our new restaurants are getting a new look. This warm, modern ambience has been designed so you can relax and savour every bite in our nature-inspired environment.

We’re excited to bring these changes to your neighbourhood Extreme Pita. This evolution helps ensure that we continue to be a leader when it comes to eating healthier and treating our guests as our #1 priority.

From our menu options to our design, Extreme Pita is committed to making a good thing even better.

Extreme pita gluten-free-chart

* High Contamination? Lots of bread products

4323 Rochdale Blvd
Regina, SK
(306) 781-7482

Cornwall Centre
Regina, SK
(306) 585-7482
4164 Albert St
(306) 721-7482

2110 Prince of Wales Dr
Richardson, SK
(306) 347-7482